Subject: Re: Locations of some packages baffles me
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/28/2001 13:34:04
On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Frederick Bruckman wrote:

# > Okay, I didn't realise that xpkgwedge was an issue in this.  All I knew
# > was that if we were going to mix X11 stuff in ${LOCALBASE}, why have
# > ${LOCALBASE} at all?
# I'm not sure what you mean. What's the alternative to ${LOCALBASE}?

I'm not quite sure what I mean, looking at this, either...I guess I meant
${X11PREFIX} there.   But upon further reflection, that's kinda moot, too.

# "xpkgwedge" isn't the issue, as such. The issue is the philosophical
# one that "xpkgwedge" addresses -- some folks want to confine all the
# package files to /usr/pkg, or (/usr/local), including X files and
# local configuration files.
# I don't, but I don't swing so far the other way as I used to, either.
# Many packages expect to install to /usr/local, even ones that require
# X to run. I could see moving some of these into ${X11PREFIX}, but it's
# no big deal to me either way.

Hm.  On distributed binary packages, okay, fine, great, I really don't
care because we have to pick something that will "just work" in most cases.

I tend to build mine because I do have a way I want my system to look
(that's the beauty of NetBSD, IMO), and everything goes into its place.
I suspect I'm not the only one, but that's to be expected.

But since I do build, I expect that I will have some control over where
it gets installed.

# Well, "netpbm" doesn't even require X; you might want that on a
# printserver.

yes, that was the pnm/ppm stuff I referenced.

# > wish8.0 is another one that looks like it
# > ought to live in ${X11PREFIX} (since it's, by and large, used for building
# > quick graphical interfaces to things).
# "wish" does link against -lX11, so it's useless without /usr/X11R6 (or
# equivalent). On the other hand, if you move it, you'll break every tcl
# script that does "#!/usr/pkg/bin/wish".

Yeah, this is true.  And I abhor symlinks, but...

# > Is there anything I can help with?

# It seems like add you'd have to do is change USE_X11 to
# USE_X11BASE[*], make sure nothing conflicts, and update any depending
# packages as necessary. Simple (with a few exceptions, such as tcl).
# Those who would keep /usr/X11R6 "pure" should already be setting
# ${X11PREFIX} to ${LOCALBASE}. I suggest you wait and see if there are
# no strong objections before submitting patches.

I tend to submit for review more than application first - doing otherwise
is a socially fatal flaw within engineering circles.

I'll be sure to test first.

# Frederick
# [*] Why doesn't "aterm" have USE_X11=YES? "tcl"?

I don't know; I didn't notice that this line was missing!  There's no
reference to tcl within aterm, certainly.

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