Subject: Re: Please stop change logs in CVS commit messages
To: David Burgess <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/10/2001 15:09:07
On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, David Burgess wrote:
: A CVS update like "Fixed a bunch of broken stuff" is insufficient.
: A rambling, chatty-cathy description of every line of changed code is
: too much. There has got to be a happy summary limit in there someplace.
Which would be fine, provided we define a proper commit log format. But a
lot of commits have been just of raw ChangeLogs or READMEs, not necessarily
as long as the example I provided, but just as annoyingly useless.
"A summary of the changes" (not specifically defined) isn't really useful as
a requirement for the pkgsrc commits.
-- Todd Vierling <> * Wasabi NetBSD: Run with it.
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