Subject: Re: separate "stable" collection (was Re: pkg/14284: xv-3.10anb1
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/18/2001 10:51:44
On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> Some problems with a stable pkgsrc branch:
> - need volunteer(s) to care for it;
> - updating entire "stable" collection to current pkgsrc may be a lot of
> work. But maybe not -- require (or suggest) that any change to stable
> must have a similar and appropriate change for the current collection;
That really would be a lot of work.
> Can someone setup a branch for pkgsrc that has a purpose of rarely being
> changed? (Should I send-pr this?)
A single branch, as you propose, would _not_ be rarely changed -- it
would have to be churned for each release. It's not feasible.
The more natural way, would be to have a branch for each point release,
or rather, for each point release that gets a pkgsrc release.
Consider, 1.5.2 got 1.5.1's pkgsrc, but it could have been tagged on
netbsd-1-5-1 with minor changes, if there were such a thing. The norm
would be to cut a new branch for each point release, right after the
freeze. The "point branch" would be an alternative to the moveable tag
we usually get, and would imply no long term committment to the branch,
in contrast to the main repository's release branches.