Subject: Comments on pkgs (Taylor UUCP...)
To: None <>
From: Todd Gruhns Acct <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/26/2001 23:11:50
On Taylor UUCP: I seem to remember reading that Ian Taylor used some features
of both HoneyDanBer and BNU UUCP. So the name (I think) should stay
"Taylor UUCP". I do know a bit about the package -- having hacked on it alot
to learn about communications, and connect to BBSs. I have hacked alot
recently on Tip, remote needs to be updated badly. I also believe its
a better way to debug a serial connection than cu. I also have one of the
last copies of "Managing UUCP and Usenet" by Tim Oreilly...
On IVtools: I recall seeing IVtools in the graphics package tree. I then
re-updated the pkgsrc tree via CVS and it disappeared. I also got a recent
e-mail from Scott Johnston about turning it into a package. Whats the
status of IVtools as an "offical package". Whos working on it.
Todd Gruhn
Indeed in nothing is the power of the Dark Lord more clearly shown than in the
estrangement that divides all those who still oppose him. --Lord of the Rings