Subject: Re: Darwin support added to pkgsrc
To: Thorsten Frueauf <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/04/2001 21:29:10
On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 02:54:55PM +0100, Thorsten Frueauf wrote:
> > Whilst it's very early days, as yet, I have actually been able to
> > install packages on Darwin. I haven't yet tried any of the "biggies"  
> > like gnome or kde, but I thought I'd commit the changes so that
> > others can perhaps help me out with those. 
> I had to commit a change to pkgsrc/mk/ so that
> SHAREOWN, SHAREGRP and SHAREMODE gets defined for Darwin too.
> Some packages that use ${INSTALL_DATA} like bzip2 need that to be set.

Sorry, they were in my original changes, but got lost for some
reason - I've modified the section in not to check
the OPSYS definition before setting SHAREOWN, SHAREGRP and SHAREMODE,
since there's not much point in checking for every OPSYS variant
that we currently support - thanks for your change, though.
> One thing I noticed that darwin seems not build shared libs, but
> pkgsrc is not aware of that yet, so it tries to register the shared
> lib enties (lib*.so*) which are not there, ths producing warnings.
> Unfortunatly I am not fimilar with the libtool stuff and how to teach
> it plus *.mk TRT for darwin.
> Maybe someone else can help out?

It's on my list of things to do. I have tried building the NetBSD
libtool on Darwin, and quickly came to the conclusion that it's
not the way to go - we need to use the distribution libtool which
comes with Darwin. We also need to modify the shared lib handling
in to work with Darwin's dynlibs.
> Btw. I wouldn't announce darwin support widly to slahdot and such until
> things are a bit more shaked out. IMHO its still very beta, but on its best
> way :-)

I did say in my mail that it was very early days, and, yes, "beta"
is probably a polite way of saying it. However, I'd really appreciate
it if some others could help me out here, as you've done, since I
don't have the time I'd like to dedicate to pkgsrc on Darwin.

Thanks once again,