Subject: Pb with pkg_chk -i and _SRC_TOP_
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/25/2001 20:39:34
Running -current, i386 port, i've noticed that pkg_chk -i produces
some weird messages (this pb arose since a sup a week ago, it was not
there before...).
# pkg_chk -i
make: no target to make.
make: "/usr/share/mk/" line 51: warning: "cd && \
make -V .OBJDIR" returned non-zero status
(lot of lines like above)
The command itself runs ok (waiting for a fix, i run it with
Line 51 of my (v 1.222) file is:
So it seems _SRC_TOP_ is undefined, isn't it? (i haven't change
anything in this file).
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1310157033 secondes