Subject: New version of apsfilter
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/08/2002 23:59:03
The last stable version of apsfilter is 7.1.1 and the pkg version is
6.1.1. The last version comes with support of new third parties
drivers, such hpijs (native HP driver) which is now part of GS 7.0
and included in the NetBSD GS-6.01 pkg.
I've asked the maintainer but it appears he is full busy till may, so
he recommends me to ask on this list.
I've downloaded the tarball and do the "configure/make/make install"
steps (i'm not yet expert enough with the pkg system internals to play with
it). All build ok and all the stuff is installed in good location
The SETUP script runs ok, though it complains about a GS version that
should be a least 6.5 (mine is 6.01). Ignoring this warning doesn't
Now, my HP 890C gives the same quality than Windows, only with lpr...
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1313970537 secondes