Subject: Re: creating user before configuration starts
To: Alistair Crooks <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/21/2002 20:07:31
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On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 07:55:35PM +0200, Alistair Crooks wrote:
> On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 07:48:43PM +0200, Lubomir Sedlacik wrote:
> >
> > you cannot build qmail unless you have created users/groups for it's
> > future use. that's the reason why there is prerequisite package
> > qmail-users which creates users before qmail itself is compiled.
> Sure, but qmail-users is a separate package. I don't advocate the creation
> of a separate package just so that the users exist before a package can be
> configured. That's why I mentioned that majordomo is the example to follo=
yes, you are right. although qmail does it in a clean way using internal
capabilities of pkgsrc while majordomo uses special hacks to achieve the
same. i am not going to argue which way is better but i personally tend
to like how the qmail does it.
we see that there are more packages which need to have users added to
the system before package itself is configured so maybe it would be
desired to solve this issue in pkgsrc itself. i can perfectly
understand why it's done now as it is using INSTALL and DEINSTALL
scripts, so maybe add another target to run INSTALL scripts in
pre-configure and create users at that time? i am sure there are some
trade-offs, take this just as an idea for discussion.
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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