Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: Move /usr/pkg/etc to /etc/pkg
To: Julio Merino <>
From: Dave Burgess <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/21/2002 14:42:13
Quoting Julio Merino <>:
> On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 07:51:46PM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> > On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 05:59:27PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote:
> > > My proposal is the following: we would move /usr/pkg/etc to /etc/pkg
> >
> > If I'm not mistaken, you can already do this (with the packages that
> > support it) by setting PKG_SYSCONFBASE to /etc/pkg.
> Aaah, nice :) But I guess I'll have to recompile all the packages that I've
> currently installed which have config files :p
> > Of course, some packages probably are not fixed yet to support it; if
> > you find any, please send-pr patches :)
> Don't worry, I'll do :)
> BTW, what about doing this the default setup?...
I have three problems with it:
1) It breaks a very workable model for predicting where all of the pieces of a
package will go.
2) It adds another NFS mount to the network. I already
share /usr/share, /usr/local/share, and /usr/pkg/share around to all of the
servers in the system. I'm reticent to add another one; especially one that
will generate LOTS of traffic (unlike the shares, where the traffic is light).
3) You can do what you are advocating by changing the destination
of /usr/pkg/etc to a symlink to /etc/pkg, or whatever else you want to use.
This gives you a common place to put your files, but allows you to setup
your 'per system' files in the file system such that all of your servers are
set up the same way.
In other words, I'm not for it - you can accomplish the same thing several
different ways without a single change to the base system.
Dave Burgess
Chief Technology Officer
Nebraska On-Ramp, Inc
Bellevue, NE
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