Subject: Re: pth or pth-syscall ???
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/03/2002 13:24:28
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hi julio,
On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 01:12:27PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote:
> What I do not know is what does 'native' type means when specifying
> threading type. Is native the value specified in PTHREAD_TYPE? If so,
> I will need to recompile everything against pth-syscall (glib,
> gnome...) so I can successfully compile kde3. Is this right? Or
> 'native' is added to allow the nathans_wa (or whatever it's called)
> implementation when it's merged?
'native' is meant native threads library for other operating systems
(such as Solaris or Linux) and for NetBSD it will mean nathanw_sa
branch, when it's integrated (or it means, if you are using sources from
this branch on your own).
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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