Subject: pkgsrc's openssl and openssh instead of in-tree
To: None <>
From: tld <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/07/2002 09:40:53
I guess this already came up, but since I couldn't find it here we go...
Is there an easy/clean way to have the system use pkgsrc's versions of
openssl and openssh packages?
I use 1.6B4, and have installed both packages, but the system still uses
in-tree (/usr/bin/). I have butally removed the in-tree files and now I
can use the programs. I'm not sure it uses the other files (expecially
openssl libraries) and I don't know how to check that.
I've heard there is a packagization effort for the base system, is it
working, can it help, and if so how can I use it?
Thank you.
--- TLD
Was I aware whom I had slain I fear I was:the Faceless,the Nameless,the
Bush set on fire