Subject: Automatically running programs at package install time
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/04/2002 09:36:40
It could be useful to have a configurable option so that whenever a
package is installed, all scripts in a set directory would be run.
Maybe a directory called /usr/pkg/libexec/misc-post-install-scripts/ and
each script will be ran.
A script could be for sending an email to all users to let them know about
new software. A script could be used for (permanent) logging that a
package was installed. A script could be used to compare a list of old
packages with new packages. A script could do whatever an admin thinks
would be useful each time a package was installed.
Anyways, I want to use it so it could have symlinks to scripts used for
automatically regenerating menus.
What do you think?
Any suggestions where should the directory be located?
Is "RUN_MISC_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPTS" an okay option name?
Jeremy C. Reed