Subject: Re: Switching glib2 to pth
To: Rene Hexel <>
From: Scott Aaron Bamford <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/13/2002 15:37:41
On 13 Oct 2002 19:45:10 +1000
Rene Hexel <> wrote:
> Given the stability and portability problems we have been encountering
> with PTL2, are there any objections if I switch glib2 over to pth? (For
> those who want to debug or play around with PTL2, I will provide a
> USE_PTL2 option that can be set in /etc/mk.conf).
> I will perform some more tests, but all programs I have tested so far
> work out of the box with pth. Not only that, bus also programs like
> gice or gtk2-pan than used to crash on me pretty often, now seem to be
> running much more stable with pth!
> This will hopefully also allow us to finally get working GNOME2
> packages.
> Cheers
> ,
> Rene
I sent the majority of this mail on monday last week, but it was not from the address that I subscribe to the list on, and I never saw it on the list, but since it is probably relevent again, I just include the copy at the end of the mail. If the mail did go to the list sorry for repeating myself. If not then could someone just clear it up with me if I have to use the same address as I am subscribed with?.
Oringnal mail:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 10:18:39 +0300 (EEST)
Martti Kuparinen <> wrote:
> Has anybody been working to get gnome 2.x packages for NetBSD? I read
> the Gnome installation document yesterday evening and found these
I made some working packages of GNOME 2 right after its initial release, I think most of the tarballs are versioned at 2.0.1 so they are slighlty old now, my familey use them on the familey computer all the time, so they work, but I never got around to cleaning them up, and some work would have to be done. The complete list of things I did are:
GConf2 glade2 gtk-engines2 libgtop2
ORBit2 glib2 gtk2 libole2
at-poke gnome-applets2 gtkglarea2 librep
at-spi gnome-common2 gturing2 librsvg
bonobo-activation gnome-db2 libIDL libwnck
bug-buddy2 gnome-desktop2 libart2 libxml2
control-center2 gnome-games2 libbonobo libxslt
crux gnome-media2 libbonoboui libzvt2
eel2 gnome-mime-data2 libgail-gnome linc
eog2 gnome-panel2 libgda2 metatheme2
esound gnome-session2 libglade2 nautilus
gail gnome-terminal2 libgnome2 pango
gal2 gnome-user-docs2 libgnomecanvas2 rep-gtk2
gcalctool gnome-utils2 libgnomedb2 sawfish2
gconf-editor2 gnome-vfs-extras2 libgnomeprint2 scrollkeeper
gdm2 gnome-vfs2 libgnomeprintui2 yelp
gedit2 gnome2 libgnomeui2
ggv2 gnumeric2 libgtkhtml2
though the following files make me think that some of the packages I never got round to fixing
gdm2/sab-notworking gnumeric2/sab-notworking
I built them on the pth-syscall packages for threads, so that would need changing, but I had an idea that would happens so created a gnome2/Makefile.common that had some settings common to all the packages such as the thread library, so it may not be too big to change. ALso they were built using buildlinks1 not buildlink2.
Some of these packages have later versions in pkgsrc now, it would be nice to alter the other packages to use them, and shouldn't be too hard to upgrade the others to later versoins.
I also made some changes to the gnome1 packages in an attempt at co-existance but thats when I ran out of time. The packages are still a bit messy, and the "2" can be striped out of most of them now. But they all build and work, apart form the above.
nautilus could do with some linux specific code ripping out of it, it keeps printing "cannot stat /proc/mounts" or a similar message.
Also you have to manually mkdir ~/.gnome2 and ~/.gnome2_private before it will run, but otherwise it works quite nicely, well I've not really used it, but my familey like the way it works (this was 1.6D version of
-current that it is running on).
I think sawfish2 had to have a little botch done on it too, but if someone (or some people) have some time to sort out the things I didn't have time to do and move things over to ptl2 or whichever thread lib is being used, and bring the packages up to date with the current release then I'm more than willing to make these avalible as a starting point.
For anyone whos interested there are a total of 74 patches between all the packages. Many quite similar.
Let me know if anyone is interested and I'll try and rip the working copy back out of the pkgsrc on the machine upstairs and tarball it up for someone.
- Scott
ps. I strongly recomend that if the above packages are used, any packages that already have versions in pkgsrc are converted to use the version already in the -current pkgsrc as I expect they have been packaged better than these which I ran out of time doing and just left "working".
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