Subject: Re: cyrus-sasl2 vs. LTCONFIG_OVERRIDE
To: Stephen Degler <>
From: Stoned Elipot <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/12/2002 09:51:02
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 11:40:25PM -0500, Stephen Degler wrote:
> Playing around, I've tried another approach that reimplements
> LTCONFIG_OVERRIDE in It creates a ltconfig wrapper that
> generates a libtool compatable with the one normally used. Configure is
> happy because it can depend on the side effects of ltconfig, and the
> libtool generated is compatable (virtually identical) with what would
> normally be invoked.
I have a fix for this package without touching
The idea is to keep LT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE as it should be but then
the has to be patched. I think I'm going to commit this
real soon now.