Subject: Re: perl-5.6.1 vs. perl-5.8.0 and pkgsrc....
To: None <tech-pkg@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/15/2002 01:57:09
[ On Friday, November 15, 2002 at 15:35:44 (+0900), Takahiro Kambe wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: perl-5.6.1 vs. perl-5.8.0 and pkgsrc....
> In message <>
> on Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:53:13 -0500 (EST),
> (Greg A. Woods) wrote:
> > I'm wondering if anyone has taken the chance to just forcibly delete
> > perl-5.6* without deleting any of the packages it needs and installing
> > 5.8 in its place, (and maybe manually updating their /var/db/pkg to
> AFAIK, perl 5.8 and perl 5.6.1 are binary incompatible for their modules.
Ah, OK, so if I understand correctly that means I have to re-install any
packages which contain perl modules (eg. p5-SNMP_Session?) (and
obviously I guess any which are perl extensions, such as one of
rrdtool's parts), but maybe other things which are just scripts
(eg. automake) should continue to work without reinstall.
Thanks for confirming this.
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098; <>; <>
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