Subject: NetBSD pkgsrc on FreeBSD
To: None <>
From: David Yeske <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/16/2002 02:56:41
The files in this directory provide pkgsrc functionality on FreeBSD.
I used the RedHat 5.0 zoularis binaries under FreeBSD current to get digest and bmake going
natively. This is not well tested, and I know very little about pkgsrc. I had some trouble
getting bmake going on FreeBSD current though. I ended up building with -DNO_CPU_CFLAGS and
-DNO_WERROR, although maybe the FreeBSD pkgsrc configuration should not import everything in
/usr/share/mk on FreeBSD. There is also a bmake binary in the directory that was compiled
statically on FreeBSD stable.
David Yeske
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