Subject: usr/bin/awk: division by zero (pkgsrc in Darwin)
To: None <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/02/2002 21:57:21
Greetings, have any of you run in to this. This is pkgsrc running under
MacOS X 10.2.2.  During almost any compile I get the following error:

  mdoc warning: .Nx: Unknown NetBSD version `1.6' (#96)

which does not seem to affect the compiles (as Perl 5.8 compiled almost)
with out issue) but when ever I try to compile other apps (like wget, 
ncftp or many others) I get the following error:

   install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ltdl.h /usr/pkg/include/ltdl.h
  Making install in tests
  /usr/bin/awk: division by zero
   input record number 7, file 
   source line number 1
  *** Error code 2

  bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libtool-base
  *** Error code 1

Even trying to compile libtool-base directly causes the same devide by
zero error.

Any help getting past this would be great!  (btw, I'm using bmake for
each of the apps because make (aka gnumake) errors out on the Makefiles)
