Subject: gcc3 pkg as main pkgsrc compiler
To: None <>
From: julien Touche <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/31/2003 12:30:54
i have install gcc and noted that gcc3 (or gcc) install in specific dir
($base/gccX), so you can't use it directly.
have packages been tested for compiling with gcc3.2 ?
i'm using pkgsrc on a solaris7 host as non-root and i only have an old
gcc 2.95/1999 and solaris ld.
so i want to install gcc3.2 as main compiler for all pkgsrc packages but
seems more complicated than fix CC in mk.conf (and i need to compile all
i don't find any FAQ/howto on this subject. is netbsd/bootstrap-pgsrc
always using gcc 2.95/host cc ?