Subject: Re: [Dovecot] trouble with ssl
To: Mike Matz <>
From: tom hensel <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/13/2003 18:53:03
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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> I had the same problem on FreeBSD 5.1-current. If you search usenet,
> you'll see that lots of people had problems with OpenSSL 0.9.7a. I've
> upgraded my OpenSSL on FreeBSD compiling the latest port (0.9.7b), and
> recompiling Dovecot. Everything works fine now. I've also heard that
> there is a similar problem with some of the 0.9.6 releases, but I think
> that should also be fixed with the latest 0.9.6 sources.
nebtsd has a pkgsrc for openssl-0.9.6g - it compiled just fine.
recompiling dovecot did not change anything, same error as before.
i'm ccing this mail to the maintainter of the pkgsrc, i wonder how
dovecot's configure decides wether to use the openssl-libs included
with netbsd's or the ones form pkgsrc...
> Hope this helps
yeah, thanks a lot ;)
> > i'm running dovecot on netbsd-current - runs very fine
> > until i try to use sylpheed from my client to connect via ssl:
> >
> > --snip--
> > Jun 13 08:48:32 devbox imap-login: SSL_accept() failed: error:1408F455:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad record mac []
> > Jun 13 08:48:32 devbox imap-login: Disconnected [
> > --snip--
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