Subject: Re: www/phoenix SIGBUS during build
To: David Brownlee <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/20/2003 11:16:57
>> 	oops sorry.
>> NetBSD 1.6U NetBSD 1.6U (STARFRUIT) #111: Mon Jun 16 17:09:50 JST 2003 i386
>> 	with latest pkgsrc tree (www/phoenix), no special compiler/flags.
>	Hum.. I just built & installed the latest pkgsrc phoenix on
>NetBSD forsaken 1.6U NetBSD 1.6U (_FORSAKEN_) #0: Tue Jun 17 14:32:56 BST 2003
>	without any problems. I was using the latest of all DEPENDS.
>	Might it be possible you are seeing problems due to an out of
>	date DEPEND?

	then DEPEND (or should be updated...  anyways i will
	check.  strangely enough, www/phoenix worked fine when i was using
	kernel around 1.6[R-S], with the same set of DEPEND packages installed.
