Subject: Gworkspace on NetBSD 1.6.1
To: None <>
From: Daniel Tourde <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/04/2003 10:44:31
I am a newbye with NetBSD (I am a Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD
user/administrator though, I thought it was time to give NetBSD a try...
:) ) and I want to try the GnuSTEP packages on my box.
I downloaded on July 2nd 2003 the port tree and I rebuilt everything
from scratch from there (any single package, from m4 to gnustep-1.6.0)
with 'make package'
I decided then to use gworkspace (based on gnustep) instead of
WindowMaker as a workspace manager. I rebuilt and installed the
gworkspace 0.4 package.
I have problems with it. I don't know if I have done something wrong but
when I start it, I only get "half" of it so to say. It's difficult to
explain. I can do it though if you want to know more about what is
happening but as I said, I have the feeling that some parts are missing
or not started.
Now here is my question. I saw that gworkspace has now reached version
0.5.3. Is it possible to update the portsrc tree to reflect that change?
My problems with gworkspace are maybe simply due to the fact that 0.4 is
an early version.
I am willing to test the package and report any problem or question I
would have. As I said, I want to give NetBSD a try and in the meantime
to play a little with with what gnustep/gworkspace has to offer.
Daniel TOURDE E-mail :
Tel : +46 (0)8-55 50 43 44
Cellular : +46 (0)70-849 93 40
FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency; Aeronautics Division - FFA
Dept. of Wind Energy and Aviation Environmental Research
SE-172 90 Stockholm, Sweden Fax : +46 (0)8-25 34 81