Subject: sup vs. cvs for check out.
To: None <>
From: Charlie Root <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/30/2003 13:34:26
I have been using sup for a while to checkout and update my pkgsrc
on my machine. I applied the updates for imap-uw yesterday and of
course it did not work. I noticed the update was committed overnight.
Now here I am almost 12 hours after the update and sup still has not
downloaded the updates. I even went so far as to force sup do download
pkgsrc again. I just tried downloading the latest pkgsrc with cvs and
I now have the update. The pkgsrc documentation mentions using sup,
cvs, and the tarball for updating the pkgsrc. I figured that at the
very least sup and cvs would be equally accurate, is that assumption
Scott Beard