Subject: misunderstandig of pkg_chk?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/13/2003 17:57:22
I've already sended a similar mail last week to this list, but it doesn't
appear. So, I will give it a new try.
Two weeks ago I made a cvs update of my pkgsrc and run pkg_chk -i to find
out which packages needs to be updated. There were only a small number of
them. I made a make fetch-list in all of these mentioned packages and
fetch them. A simple make were always succesful. But a lot of other
packages depend on these packages, so I made a make update.
And here my problems started. In order to build these other packages
(for instance galeon) I needed newer versions of other packages (for
instance libxml2) than that were installed on my machine. But pkg_chk
never complained about a not actual version of libxml2.
So, what went wrong?
Ciao , Frank .