Subject: Re: why python+pth?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Marc Recht <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/17/2003 23:47:23
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>> Why is it named "pth" then, and why isn't it the default?
> I don't know. (I guess "pth" was meant to be an abbreviation of threads.)
Some time ago it was built against PTH only. And then has been changed to=20
prefer native threads over PTH.
> I don't know how stable it is on different operating systems used with
> pkgsrc.
It's stable on Linux (read passes the test suite).
> If it is reliable now, then the threads should just be included by =
> and the python*-pth could be removed.
That would IMHO the best thing to do when Python works reliable with native =
threads on -current.
Marc Recht
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