Subject: patch to fix for mk/buildlink2/fake-la for Linux
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/03/2004 13:09:29
Is it okay if I commit the following? I have asked a couple times (in
private emails) but never told to go ahead.
Please see
Index: mk/buildlink2/fake-la
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/mk/buildlink2/fake-la,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -b -u -r1.9 fake-la
--- mk/buildlink2/fake-la 2003/12/30 12:09:27 1.9
+++ mk/buildlink2/fake-la 2004/02/03 20:08:16
@@ -25,12 +25,19 @@
case $libname in
- # no version in name which happens e.g. for on Linux
- # Suse 8.1, Slackware 8.1 and others, but there, the library is a link
- # to a library with a version in it
+ # no version in name which happens e.g. for on
+ # Linux
libbase=`${ECHO} $libname | ${SED} -e "s/\.so$//"`
if ${TEST} -h $reallib; then
+ # library is a link to library with a version in it,
+ # e.g. on Suse 8.1, Slackware 8.1 and others
liblinked=`ls -l $reallib | ${AWK} '{print $NF}'`
+ version=`${ECHO} $liblinked | ${SED} -e "s/.*\.so\.//;s/\./:/g"`
+ elif ${TEST} -f $reallib; then
+ # ordinary file could be a GNU ld link script
+ # (e.g. /usr/lib/ on Suse 8.2)
+ # so filter out first element of GROUP directive
+ liblinked=`${AWK} '/^GROUP/ {print $3}' < $reallib`
version=`${ECHO} $liblinked | ${SED} -e "s/.*\.so\.//;s/\./:/g"`
# bail out
Jeremy C. Reed