Subject: Re: I found my 'missing' .la files
To: None <>
From: walt <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/21/2004 10:13:05
D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
> On February 19, 2004 10:30 am, walt wrote:
>>Anyway, to find the source of your 'missing' .la file just grep thru
>>all the other .la files in /usr/pkg/ for the name of your missing
>>file. When you figure out which are the offending ones just re-
>>compile those packages which will regenerate the correct .la files
>>for you.
> I have been having a different but related problem. I am rebuilding KDE and
> every package stops until I manually intervene. Here is an example:
> grep: /usr/obj/games/kdegames3/work.i386/.buildlink/lib/ No
> such file or directory
> sed: /usr/obj/games/kdegames3/work.i386/.buildlink/lib/ No
> such file or directory
> shlibtool: link:
> `/usr/obj/games/kdegames3/work.i386/.buildlink/lib/' is not a
> valid libtool archive
> gmake[3]: *** [] Error 1
> The fix is to symlink /usr/pkg/lib/
> to /usr/obj/games/kdegames3/work.i386/.buildlink/lib/
> (substitute your own directories where things are kept) and continue the
> build. I checked the file in .../fonts/fontconfig/ and it has
> this line:
> BUILDLINK_FILES.fontconfig+= lib/libfontconfig.*
What I just discovered in trying to fix pango is that the libfontconfig package
is redundant because all those headers and libraries are installed by X in
/usr/X11R6, including a conflicting /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/fontconfig.pc
which directs the loader/linker to the native libraries instead of the
ones in /usr/pkg/lib. I don't know why this confuses things but it
certainly seems to.
I fixed the mess by deleting the fontconfig package and recompiling everything
else, which fixed my gnome.
Recompiling kde might just pull the fontconfig package back in as a dependency,
dunno about that since I don't have kde on any netbsd machines.
I also don't know why Xft and freetype are needed as packages since they
are also redundant -- but aren't causing me any problems at the moment.