Subject: cvs reports wrong version?
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/04/2004 11:42:24
The pkgsrc version is:

 stilly:/usr/pkgsrc/wip$ pkg_info cvs
 Information for cvs-1.11.11:

But it says it is:

 stilly:/usr/pkgsrc/wip$ /usr/pkg/bin/cvs --version

 Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.10 (client/server)

The package has a cvs-1.11.11-v6-20031220.diff.gz diff that has:

-PACKAGE_STRING='Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.11'
+PACKAGE_STRING='Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.10'

   Jeremy C. Reed

ps. I noticed all this because of problems with sourceforge keep on
dieing with signal 11 (I am sure it is on their side, but I am seeing
message locally) and then getting stale locks which I can't clean up
myself. They told me to use cvs-1.11.11 or newer.

pps. netbsd-1-6's cvs also says it is wrong version.

p.s. please cc me

   Jeremy C. Reed