Subject: Re: Fw: [Firebird-devel] Linux Lock Manager
To: James K. Lowden <>
From: Jim Starkey <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/05/2004 10:10:30
James K. Lowden wrote:

>I have spent considerable time lately getting the Firebird database to
>build on 1.6.  Once I get it working, I'm hoping to package it.  
>Firebird "Classic" -- which I'm focussing on for now -- builds without
>threads.  There is also a threaded server, but I won't bother with that
>until I upgrade to -current (or whatever our threaded kernel release is
>called by then).  
>What advice I could give Mr. Starkey such that his lock manager would work
>"out of the box" on NetBSD?  
Mr. Starkey, deplorably and regrettably, doesn't know beans about NetBSD.

Sometime in the next week, the Vulcan lock manager is going to lose most 
of its conditionals.  The first to go will be SUPERSERVER.  The lock 
manager will always be built to receive external blocking signals.  A 
new conditional symbol, THREAD_DELIVERY, controls whether blocking 
wakeups are delivered by thread or by signal.

Eventually, the SUPERSERVER conditional will disappear from all of 
Vulcan, replaced by a single, unified engine.


Jim Starkey
Netfrastructure, Inc.
978 526-1376