Subject: Re: Would pkgviews be appropriate for build-new-before-replace of, say, kde?
To: Marc Tooley <>
From: Michal Pasternak <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/29/2004 20:16:47
Marc Tooley [Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 10:06:26AM -0800]:
> Or, is there some way to set LOCALBASE (and some other variable I'm not
> aware of) to somewhere else to start with a simulated "clean slate" as
> it were, and then when the complete builds are finished, delete the old
> packages and rename the new build directories..?
IMO easiest way is to create a chroot with "clean" / and /usr, then use
mount_null to mount needed directories under it (eg. /usr/pkgsrc, but no
/var/db/pkg and no /usr/pkg, of course).