Subject: Re: To PR or not to PR, that is the question.
To: Marc Recht <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/19/2004 09:44:04
On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 12:15:15PM +0200, Marc Recht wrote:
> It looks like the information (graphviz yes/no, path to graphviz and so on)
> is compiled directly into the binary. So, the only thing we could do would
> be a doxygen and doxygen-nographiz pkg or something like that if we want
> binary packages without the graphviz dependency. The question is now: what
> about TeX and ghostscript?
> I'd say let's go for a "doxygen-minimal" without any of the additional
> stuff and a "doxygen" package with Makefile knobs which enables everything
> by default.
I'm not sure what the best form of compromise is for binary packages.
I'd be happy if I had a knob to turn off graphviz. But I have lots of
vacant disk space and a fast CPU. (^&
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."