Subject: Re: sysutils/vcdimager-devel breakage
To: MLH <>
From: Ben Collver <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/06/2004 13:41:54
On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 03:20:51PM -0500, MLH wrote:
> I first ran into this on Monday after the libtool changes as I
> tried to update my pkg_comp'ed packages using pkg_chk, which normally
> updates all changes and dependencies. sysutils/vcdimager-devel
> broke the same way. I thought maybe a build dependency broke that
> pkg_chk missed (which occassionally happens), so I dumped the chroot
> environment, rebuilt it using yesterdays 2.0_RC3 build of NetBSD
> (Mon Oct 4 16:28:44 CDT 2004 i386) and started pkg_chk up on my
> list of packages. It built 91 of them before it failed on
> sysutils/vcdimager-devel, so I'm suspecting a libtool change problem
> here.
I just pkg_comp'ed a clean sandbox, and vcdimager-devel built fine.
I'll cvs update and try again.