Subject: Re: Optimized "make update"
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/14/2005 15:23:46
Martti Kuparinen --> tech-pkg (2005-01-14 13:46:20 +0200):
> Hi!
> Let's assume we have the following packages installed:
> libXXX1 libXXX2
> | |
> libXXX3 | libXXX4
> | | | |
> appXXX5 appXXX6
> Now libXXX1 and libXXX4 need to be updated. Do we have a tool to perform
> this in an optimized way? In other words, something like this:
> # pkg_update libXXX1 libXXX4
> [ Remove appXXX6, appXXX5, libXXX4, libXXX3, libXXX1 ]
> [ Install libXXX1, libXXX3, libXXX4, appXXX5, appXXX6 ]
> I'm thinking about writing a tool to do that (I already have something
> ready) but before I make my script "pkgsrc ready" (=production quality)
> I want to know I'm not re-inventing the wheel...
IMHO such a tool would be very useful. But, shouldn't a
$ export UPDATE_TARGET=bin-install
$ cd .../libXXX1 && make update
$ cd .../libXXX4 && make update
do almost the same (yes, not optimal, but at least no package is
built more than once)?
bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~