Subject: Re: imap-uw update?
To: Chris Ross <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/21/2005 16:36:24
 	It has a note that it needs to be tested on a system without
 	Kerberos enabled before being updated. I wonder if that means
 	a system without Kerberos running, without Kerberos enabled in
 	the package build, or a system without Kerberos enabled in the
 	base libraries.

 	Matthias - could you help clarify this one for me?

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Chris Ross wrote:

>  Hi there.  I don't actually know the process myself for bundling and 
> contributing
> updates to pkgsrc, so I thought I'd simply make the request here.
>  imap-uw is still 2004a.  There was a bug in 2004a and earlier that causes
> port/address recognition to fail on 64-bit machines.  I contributed a fix for 
> this
> to the author, and it got bundled into his 2004b release.  The 2004c release 
> has
> just recently (yes, in 2005.  ;-)) become available.
>  Could someone update pkgsrc's mail/imap-uw to 2004c?  This would allow
> folks like me using 64-bit machines as mail servers to not have to manually
> patch the source, or accept the lack of hostnames in log files...
>  Thanks...
>                           - Chris

 		David/absolute       -- No hype required --