Subject: Re: OpenBSD + pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Lasse Kliemann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/05/2005 13:57:34
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* Paulo Aukar writes:
[ OpenBSD 3.6 ]
> c) I couldn't until now produce xorg-xfonts*.
Maybe you can try what Jeremy suggested to me:
| > /usr/pkg/xorg/bin/mkfontdir -x bdf .
| > =20
| > The mkfontdir process (actually, top shows mkfontscale running) takes up
| > about 95% of CPU and won't exit. The same goes for if I just call=20
| > mkfontdir without any parameter. For parameter -h, it prints a usage
| > information, but it looks weird; there are lots of additional spaces in
| > the output.
| > =20
| > I am unsure how to investigate this further. Any hints are welcome!
| =20
| Maybe try using ktrace.
| =20
| Use ktrace to run mkfontdir.
| =20
| And then use kdump to view the trace file. Maybe it is looping on same
| files over and over again. Don't send all the output to this list, but
| maybe send some relevant lines.
| =20
| Or post the kdump output to a URL and let us retrieve it.
> I'll continue trying. As I'm=20
> not completely acquainted with X Window I'd be glad to receive any hint o=
> how to install xfonts "manually".
If you have the fonts somewhere (maybe from OpenBSD under /usr/X11R6), you =
put a symlink to them somewhere under /usr/pkg. Something like this:
/usr/pkg/xorg/lib/X11/fonts ---> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts ---> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
This worked for me.
> obs: I have already successfully installed xorg on OpenBSD 3.6 before thr=
> the "traditional" way (make World from /usr/xsrc).
It's from the OpenBSD sources? Then likely it is not Xorg but XFree86. The=
fonts will still work, however.
Lasse Kliemann
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