Subject: Re: mail/postfix build: HAS_DB redefined
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/28/2005 17:37:19
Johnny Lam --> tech-pkg (2005-02-28 11:34:14 -0500):
> Jukka Salmi wrote:
> >
> >Sure. I just wonder why sets CCARGS to explicitly contain
> >-DHAS_DB...
> On some platforms, HAS_DB isn't defined, but the pkgsrc postfix will 
> always build support for a Berkeley DB map type, so we forcibly define 
> it on the commandline.  This is more a deficiency in the postfix sources 
> than anything else, but since the redefinition is harmless, it's not 
> worth modifying the sources to suppress the warning.

I see. Thanks for the explanation!

Regards, Jukka

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