Subject: Re: Compilation times...
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/07/2005 16:19:11
Richard Rauch wrote:
> Of course, one of the banes of pkgsrc (and any source based package system)
> is the compile time required to rebuild a large segment of the package
> system. (That can be contained somewhat, but if a serious flaw is
> uncovered that forces you to take something offline, and it takes
> a day or so to rebuild everything...)
Hmmm, you are aware of binary packages? Now with quarterly pkgsrc
snapshots and accompanying binary packages, it works quite well, imho
(I'm using 2004q4 pkgsrc). Of course it's not perfect.. not all
packages are available as binary packages but it's a _vast_ improvement
over having to funnel everything through the compiler yourself
(something that I find a nuisance and waste of time.) It makes a
difference of about 3-4 days vs. one afternoon, for setting up a typical
desktop machine.