Subject: Alternatives in the same package
To: None <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/20/2005 14:51:07
I'm working on package which contains two software implementation of
the same program - wip/xmlformat. The program itself is a script
written on Perl and Ruby languages. Users may choose preferred
implementation dependly on what they have installed on their system -
Ruby or Perl.
I wish to support author's idea of bilingual script and provide pkgsrc
users to select what they want to install. Seems there are two ways to
do this.
1) Split package on three chunks - xmlformat-ruby, xmlformat-perl,
xmlformat-docs. Latest package will contain only support documentation,
independly what kind of script you use. The xmlformat-ruby and
xmlformat-perl will be bounded together via PKGALTERNATIVES framework.
2) Use variable named, say, USE_LANG which may be set to "ruby" or
"perl" at the build stage. Resulted package name may be also dependent
on the selected value for USE_LANG. The conflicts will be also handled.
Any opinion, how to create such packages?