Subject: Re: pkg_info show categories and show single entry
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/09/2005 13:31:22
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> Also when I look for one specific package, I do:
> pkg_info | grep speex
> Maybe a switch like:
> $ pkg_info -1 speex
> speex-1.0.4nb1 Open-source, patent-free voice codec
> (I am looking for one-line format showing version and single line comment.)
> If any of the above ideas are implemented, please let me know.
What's wrong with the grep approach? It follows the Unix-approach to keep
things small, and doesn't put extra bloat into the pkg tools.
Your former thing is similar. If you want a pkg search tool, write a
seperate one or extend one of the (many) existing ones, but don't bloat a
tool into what it's not for.
- Hubert