Subject: Re: Inclusion of perl core modules in pkgsrc
To: Roman Kulik <>
From: Johnny Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/03/2005 17:47:54
Roman Kulik wrote:
> Does anyone know what the criteria of adding a core Perl module to the
> pkgsrc repository? Because some Perl core modules are not present in
> pkgsrc (like p5-Test-Harness), while other core Perl modules are in
> current packages collection (for example: p5-CGI, p5-Test-Simple,
> p5-Module-CoreList). One possible criteria I can think of is a version
> of Perl that the core module was first included with. Is there
> something special about these core modules for which packages are
> present in pkgsrc?
You can install any perl module from pkgsrc and it won't stomp on the
ones in the core library. All pkgsrc-installed modules install into the
"site" directories (but will shortly install into the "vendor"
directories). There's no reason not to package every module into pkgsrc.
We don't have a way (yet) to express needing p5-CGI>=3.0 and not pulling
in the pkgsrc module if the one in the core library satisfies that
dependency, other than the rather verbose:
DEPENDS+= {p5-CGI>=3.0,perl>=5.8.5}:../../www/p5-CGI
This is annoying only because you need to track down which version of
perl first had that module version included in the core, in order to
hardcode it into the dependency.
-- Johnny Lam <>