Subject: Re: tex-jadetex and TeTex 3
To: Antoine Reilles <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/02/2005 21:38:47
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Antoine Reilles wrote:
> One possible solution for this problem whould be to use a latex logic in mk/,
> like what we have for emacs vs. xemacs or ghostscript, to be able to have
> dependancie about whatever latex implementation, or a subset of versions.
> Back in April, i proposed a mk/ for this :
> and pkg/30012
> It is not perfect, and probably buggy, but it could help improving the latex
> environment under pkgsrc, and also clean the way latex packages are installed
I never got around to look into this in depth, but I wonder why to move
code to another file in the first place. or have code.
Unfortunately, I don't really have time to care a lot for teTeX, so if
someone wants to take this over, be my guest.
- Hubert