Subject: Re: pkgsrc vs. Fink vs. DarwinPorts?
To: Amitai Schlair <>
From: Charlie Allom <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/11/2005 20:53:59
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On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 07:39:56PM -0400, Amitai Schlair wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2005, at 5:12 PM, Georg Schwarz wrote:
> >Has anyone tried Fink and/or Darwinports and could give their =20
> >impression
> >of how they compare to pkgsrc on MacOS X?
> Since you're already a developer, it'd be great to have you using =20
> pkgsrc on OS X and fixing whatever problems you encounter in the =20
> packages you use.
No one will use pkgsrc on OS X until the problems with case sensitivity
are fixed. If pkgsrc does this then you'll find a much speedier
adoption rate.
Darwinports is moving ahead, though early days yet, and has
some wonderful features for OS X.
Fink is stagnating though still has a lot of users.
ps. I work on darwinports.
hail eris
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