Subject: Re: OOo2-bin on 2.1_RC5/i386: barf
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Michael Rauch <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/22/2005 13:17:48
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 08:31:25PM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Michael Rauch wrote:
> >>[Java framework] Error in function createUserSettingsDocument
> >>(elements.cxx).
> > [dir /emul/linux/home/feyrer/.openoffice.org2]
> I don't have such a directory.
> And it seems it's not created?!
> After creating it manually, some things get created inside it, but the
> same error box ("The application cnanot be started / An internal error
> occurred / [OK]") appears, but ``I18N: Operating system doesn't support
> locale "en_US"'' is the last line on the console now.
Not having the directory at all should be fine, as the emulation layer
should be transparent to any Linux application. That this error occurs
and vanishes after creating the directory seems to indicate that this is
not the case.
What OOo really trying to access is /home/feyrer/.openoffice.org2, but
then it looks as if it's getting aware of the /emul/linux hierarchy and
it's starting to look there directly.
> I've placed a new ktrace at
> I don't see any EACCES in either file.
The lines are
11742 soffice.bin CALL getppid(0xbfbfdf48,0x1ff)
11742 soffice.bin NAMI "/emul/linux/home/feyrer"
11742 soffice.bin NAMI "/emul/linux/home/feyrer/.openoffice.org2"
11742 soffice.bin RET getppid -1 errno -13 Unknown error: 4294967283
and errno 13 is EACCES. The rest was a bit of guessing.
> What I do see are many JUSTRETURN
> things, and I have no idea what that means:
> 11742 soffice.bin CALL open(0x4ae0db90,0,0x124)
> 11742 soffice.bin NAMI
> "/emul/linux/home/feyrer/.openoffice.org2/user/psprint/pspfontcache"
> 11742 soffice.bin NAMI
> "/home/feyrer/.openoffice.org2/user/psprint/pspfontcache"
> 11742 soffice.bin RET open JUSTRETURN
I'd _guess_ it's return code -1 because an error occurred, most likely
the file doesn't exist.
A short look at the kdump didn't show me anything obvious.
I'll try a diff with a kdump of my working installation next, but that
will probably take a few days before I get around to do this.