Subject: Re: additional distribution patches in an archive file
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/23/2005 19:05:14
Georg Schwarz wrote:
> I think you have to explicitely issue the required patch commands yourself
> either as the pre-patch or in the post-patch target.
I would like to avoid that, because using the necessary arguments correctly
for all the platforms can be fragile.
> > Would it be worthwhile to change so that another
> > patch-specific variable PATCH_DIST_PATCHDIR.patch specifies the directory
> > for "patch"?
> No, I don't think so. You would also have to specify whether these patches
> should applied before or after the "normal" pkgsrc-supplied patches.
This is about distribution patches, ie patches which change/enhance the
source in some way and always get applied before any pkgsrc patches.