Subject: Re: Firefox 1.5 package
To: None <,>
From: Shin'ichiro TAYA <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/10/2005 23:19:06
Shin'ichiro TAYA wrote:
> Masao Uebayashi wrote:
>>      . o 0 ( What's the status of this? )
>> -_-)
> on i836, firefox works fine.
> but sparc64 and amd64 doesn't.
> i'm trying to to make it work on amd64...
> anyway i'll commit before branch.

I found this is a problem of port-amd64.
Firefox hangs in open().
While Firefox in above state, other process fails to run.
This is not a firefox 1.5 specific problem.
It also happens with firefox-1.0.7.

root@virgil# ./firefox
No Persistent Registry Found.
Type Manifest File: 
*** Registering Apprunner components (all right -- a generic module!)
nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins.
[1]+  Stopped                 ./firefox
root@virgil# ls
Shared object "" not found