Subject: makepsres and XFree86 3.36
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/17/2005 19:41:07
I am looking at PR 23610 and it indicates that makepsres is not included
with XFree86 3.
We do have makepsres with native XFree86 4 on NetBSD and in the
xorg-clients and XFree86-clients packages.
I was going to add "makepsres" to the tools framework. But what to do if
using XFree86 3. Is it acceptable to build XFree86-clients or xorg-clients
just for the makepsres.
Do we have any other examples like this (other X tools missing from
XFree86 3) in pkgsrc?
Jeremy C. Reed
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