Subject: Re: updating libXft2, libXrender, libXrandr, libXcursor, libXfixes, etc.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/31/2006 12:49:49
On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 08:47:44PM -0800, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> They use pkg-config to check for "x11" and other dependencies. Should the
> configure scripts be patched? Should we install dummy pkg-config files?
Create dummy pkg-config files for builtins. Install real pkg-config
files for pkgsrc xorg/xfree86 (is that still used?).
> They use randrproto, fixesproto, and so on instead of randrext, fixesext,
> etc. Should we remove the old "ext" versions and use the new packages
> instead?
Did they change library names? Can it be emulated using the pkg-config
files? I don't care that much about the pkg names, but support for
native X11.
> By the way, the packages we have may strip the "lib" off the distname.
> But I'd like to use the official distname as the package name. Any
> comments?
I guess it just depends on whether you want to make the library status
or the extension status more import. I don't have a strong opinion on