Subject: Re: fontconfig and fc-cache
To: None <>
From: Dan McMahill <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/13/2006 17:52:07
Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 08:28:29AM -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:
>>Could this be somehow turned off or could there be a hook to disable
>>this during bulk builds? fc-cache ends up wanting nearly 2Gb of VM
>>which causes my buld machine that has 512Mb of real memory to nearly
>>grind to a halt for hours everytime something has to pkg_add fontconfig.
> Hm. Can't reproduce. With all xorg-fonts packages installed on DragonFly
> /usr/bin/time -hl fc-cache -r
> 9.27s real 3.86s user 0.62s sys
> 3680 maximum resident set size
> [snip]
> Which architecture is this? I want to change the font install handling
> to run fc-cache $DIR later, so we better fix this :-)
Solaris 9, sparc. After some more investigating it seems that there are
certain fonts that trigger a fontconfig bug. See for the PR I filed
with the fontconfig people.
Also note that the font files which caused me grief on solaris trigger
problems on the DragonFly box that Joerg tried. So there is something
in those font files which triggers a fontconfig bug.