Subject: Defaulting to libtool -no-suppress
To: None <>
From: Peter Schuller <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/14/2006 23:32:08
what do people think about having libtool NOT suppress compiler output by
default? Or alternatively having some mk.conf knob for the build
infrastructure to conditionally turn -no-suppress on in all cases.
At minimum I think this is very useful to bulk builds (e.g., mysql5-client
failed on the latest freebsd BB, but due to supression I have no clue what
the problem was, and I am now unable to reproduce it).
I presume the reasoning behind the suppression is that if the first
compilation succeeds with warnings, the second compilation is likely to do
the same - and suppressing output from the second compilation of the same
code reduces duplicate compiler warnings. But in cases where the results of
the two compilations differ...
/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB
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