Subject: Re: how can a package detect it is getting built with pkgsrc?
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/12/2007 20:57:44
Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> Why do you want to do that? I think that strongly violates a few of our
> principles, like being mostly neutral on the environment.
Can you elaborate on that? Maybe I am missing something obvious, but I
do not think I ever heard of "being mostly neutral on the environment".
Basically, I want to treat "pkgsrc" as a platform, like RedHat, Gentoo,
Debian, for which the software already provides startup scripts.
The patch would add a line
If this is built with pkgsrc, install rc.d script for pkgsrc
in front of a list of clauses like this:
If this is RedHat, install initd-script.redhat
If this is Gentoo, install initd-script.gentoo
Of course I can add a patch to pkgsrc that completely removes those
other lines and will have to be kept forever in the package because
the upstream authors will (understandably) not like such a patch :-).
Isn't it one of our goals to have as many patches as possible fed back
and removed from our repository?