Subject: Re: logo?
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Chris Wareham <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/14/2007 13:51:17
Hubert Feyrer said on 12/7/07 01:46:
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Chris Wareham wrote:
>>> IMHO that looks pretty spiffy.
>>> I wonder what it will look like if
>>> * the two orange colors are made the same (right now the cube's in a
>>> different color than the "pkg")
>>> * if the edges of the cube are slightly rounded
> ...
> Did you have a chance to experiment with the "rounded edges" idea?
> Also, maybe keep the old version(s) online for comparison...
> - Hubert
I and a graphic designer colleague found it remarkably hard to construct
a decent 3D cube in Photoshop or Illustrator. This is something that you
definitely need a proper 3D program like Blender for. Anyway, it looks
like Thomas Bieg has come up with a far more interesting logo!